Wednesday, October 7, 2009

5. Eat all meals at a table without doing anything else for one week


Big news: We have eaten every meal at the kitchen table since Sunday! This is huge. We are awful about eating while watching some show on hulu or some movie from Netflix. Such is life without kids. Even though I KNOW eating while watching stuff is unhealthy, it's just so easy and relaxing! Plus I feel like I'm not wasting my life watching TV. The problem is that I eat for maybe 10 minutes, and think I just sit on my butt watching untold hours of stuff while being unproductive.

So for health and productivity reasons, I wanted to cut back on this eating and watching habit. I will consider this week a success, and this item accomplished, if I can make it through noon on Friday without falling back into the old routine. I'm not as upset by spending watching shows on the weekend because my hubby finds it very relaxing, and I need to give him a break. If we can cut down on it Sunday evening through Thursday on a weekly basis, that'd be really nice.

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