Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Reasons I want to leave LA

A list of all the reasons I feel that I must leave LA. I won't be leaving anytime soon, I can't. But eventually, we'll leave. I can't imagine raising kids here!

1. Houses can cost $2Million and not have a yard
2. A sidewalk nearby has a penis etched in it, like wet cement-style
3. Another sidewalk has a martini glass in it (are initials not enough?!)
4. Homeless people
5. Signs in spanish
6. Traffic
7. The 405
8. Taxes
9. The freeloader attitude that is pervasive
10. Everyone breaks the law ALL THE TIME. I see people talking on cell phones and driving DAILY. These same people vote for these extra-liberal lawmakers who enact too many laws. It's obscene.
11. Materialism
12. The expense of everything
13. No space
14. Smog

That's it for now! Stay tuned for updates!

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