Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Sorry, blogosphere, for my extended absence! I have had a combination of too many things to do and, when I did have down time, no desire to write. But I'm here now! And I don't plan on being absent like that again for a while :-)

So what happenings have kept me from this place? Well, we got a new dog!!! Pictures to be posted soon! I'll leave all the details for when I appropriately introduce her here.

I also have been crazy busy with classes. Getting a teaching credential in California requires jumping through so many hoops! So I have been working on all that.

It also was my first dog's birthday, so we had a puppy party in the park. (The birthday was chosen by us since he's adopted). In fact, the new dog was the old dog's birthday gift!

Well, that's enough about the past month. I plan on keeping you up to date from here on out!


  1. I wish my husband would let me get our dog another dog for her birthday :D
